Friday, April 4, 2014

Introducing Victorian Casino Antiques

Friday, April 4, 2014
           (Sunny and Cold)

Introducing Victorian Casino Antiques

   I've always seen Listings on Liveauctioneers for Victorian Casino Antiques. This month, they're presenting their next auction coming up in May. I thought I had written before, but I couldn't find any trace of them anywhere on my computer. So I wrote to them and got a "yes"!

   Mr. Pj Perez wrote back and sent me this press release. Pj also mentioned that the auction would be having a grand collection of old radios. He was aware about the fact that my blog is about old and antique toys, but I wrote to say that I might add some old radios to a future post about Victorian Casino Antiques. May auctioneers, sellers,and collectors have other items, and if had more time, I would be writing about all kinds of antiques. I'll be checking out Pj's auction to search out for this radios!

This auction scheduled for the first week of mMay has over 1700 items presented for auction. Once again, I've presented a whole group of fine toys, most of which that I haven't seen before. I can;t remember if I had ever seethe red Hubley above.  The reason I say so is because I can't recall this version of the vertical fins at the end of the racer. As well, the opening in the windshield made to resemble windows are also something I can't ever remember seeing.

There are hundreds more toys to look at and write about, but I'll also be looking at those old radios!
That old technology is something that like old toys is always fun to look at!

Thanks for dropping by, 
and as always have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.
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