Sunday, April 27, 2014

So Many Different Farm Machines

Sunday, April 27, 2014
  (Cold, cloudy, and some rain)

So Many Different Farm Machines

   If you're a regular reader of my blog, you'll know that I always like to return to people or companies who have helped me out by allowing me to write about them. Today's contributor preferred to remain anonymous. I had written about him on  January 11, 2014, and at the time he had a fine collection of farm machines for sale.  I recently wrote about 2 weeks ago to ask if he'd like me to write anything, but I had not heard from him as of today. He had sold many more farm machine toys, and so I thought I'd present them.

   What's interesting about today's items is that they actually have been played with. I assumed that most farm toys were collected by farmers, but in this case, these were mod likely played with by their children.

It's truly amazing how many different machines there are for farming. This was just a "sampling", and if you were to  a search on the Net or on ebay you would find an astronomical amount of these fine models and toys up for sale. Of course, when you think about how many people live in cities and have to be fed, then you realize just how important the farmers are to society.

Thanks gor dropping by,
and I hope you have
a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

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