Monday, April 28, 2014

An Amazing Find of Swedish Cast Iron Toys

Monday, April 28, 2014
              (Sunny and cool)

An Amazing Find of 
Swedish Cast Iron Toys

   Last night, before I shut down my computer, I checked my email and found Mr. Mike Matuska's  email and attachment for his 71st auction. Mike's company is in Sweden, and is called  Matuska doll and toy auctions.  About a year or so after I had been blogging, I thought that I'd like to invite people and companies from around the world to help me blog. This would allow me to write and add toys from the world rather than just what is on ebay (USA and Canada). What's great about being on a mailing list is that I get Mike's latest information on his upcoming auction. This this offers me an opportunity to search for new toys, and of course write about Mike Matuska

   When I awoke this morning, I decided to check out the auction, and as I was selecting toys to present, I kept seeing more and more Skogland and Olson's cast iron toys. Skogland and Olson were a fine toy company in the early quarter of the 20th century that made cast iron toys. When I first started blogging, I thought these particulate toys were exclusively American. I was wrong! So for today, before I present Mike's auction # 71, I decided to present his fine selection of Swedish cast iron toys. tomorrow, I'll try and present some exceptional European toys from his upcoming auction.

The Swedish Flag

The above image is a straightforward screen capture from Mike's website. I like to improve toy photos, and always ask the auction company or collector or seller if I may do this.

I haven't added any description here because  Mike's website is mostly in Swedish,but for english instructions about bidding. For tomorrow, I'll present some examples of Swedish to English translation. However, web translation sites are not 100% accurate, and so I don't want to add written descriptions that might be incorrect.

I would say that I think that the Skogland and Olson company made these toys mostly in the 
1920's-1930's. The airplane below is particularly interesting because it appears to have a pressed tin (or pressed steel) wing.  The propeller looks like nickel-plated, the tires are rubber, and the rest of the airplane is cast iron.

Mike's website has an enlarging feature that allows you to magnify each toy image. This is great when you want to see all the features and the condition of the toy.

An early 1920's -1930's Skogland and Olson Volvo which can be identified by their unique logo on the front grill (upper photo). Volvo is now owned by an India (Asia) company.

The toy is painted cast iron with rubber tires mounted on painted cast iron (?) hubs. There is a missing spare tire on the spare rim on the back of the car.

The above toy car is an early Chevrolet coupe (USA) made by Skogland and Olson in the 1920's.
Painted cast iron with painted  disk (?) wheels. The metal tires appear to be separate and mounted on metal hubs.

I like the painted blue disk hubs with rubber tires contrasting the bright red bus.
 There are rubber tires mounted on the disk wheels (hubs).

Again, that great blue and red colour theme! 
Painted cast iron with a nickel-plated driver.

This tractor is my favourite of all the Skogland and Olson toys presented today.

Well, I got to leave now. The day is sunny and I have to do my spring "chores"): 

1. Put away my winter tires in storage.
2. Store the salt, shovels, and large snow scoop.
3. Take out the summer chairs.
4. Start taking out the swimming pool leaf scooper and brush.

and on and on…….

(such hardships for a retired teacher!)

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
have a great part of the day, 
wherever you may be.


  1. Farmer looks a little to formally dress! No one in the fields around dresses lie that. The nickel plated drivers are really cool! The only drivers I like better are the hooded ghostly looking drivers in the old racers!! They are scary looking!

  2. Hi Bob,

    Thanks for writing another comment. I like your comment. Perhaps they had "gentlemen farmers" way back when. My cousin's husband and her rented a farmhouse for several years. They were the farthest removed from farming, and would have stood out like Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor who acted on the hilarious program "Green Acres" on TV.

    Of course, the 1965-71 series dates me, but comedy them was funny,but in this case "corny". Nowadays, I seldom watch TV sitcoms, because the jokes are often sexist and not even funny.

  3. very elegant toys for years now the toys is so cute y funny super wings toys
