Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Fabulous Motorcycles with a Fabulous Cast Iron Hubley Toy

Tuesday, April 15, 2014
  Cold and rain, with snow tonight!

Fabulous Motorcycles with a 
Fabulous Cast Iron Hubley Toy

  Two days ago, I had written about a very rare "labelled" cast iron Hubley motorcycle from Bertoia Auctions.  It was a Hubley cast iron motorcycle with a rider and a side cab.  Also, it was a specially-labelled toy with the name of a company called Schabers Cycle Shop.  Being the "detective" that I "like" to think I am, I searched for the name Schaber, and actually found such a company. I'll let you read the post, rather than give away the whole story!

   However, I will  say that I did get to meet 2 fine people who helped me out on the post. One is a super photographer by the name of Adam  Baron,  and the other is Brian Keating. Brian is an all-around motorcycle enthusiastic, ebay seller of motorcycle ephemera, and a motorcycle seller and repairman. When I wrote Brian back to thank him for his help, I asked him if I might use some of his motorcycle photos and times for sale or have sold. At the time, I didn't know whether I would use the Harleys or the Indians.  When I was thinking about  what to write next, I chose the Indian" brand of motorcycle to accompany a fabulous and unique motorcycle from Bertoia Auctions.

What makes this Bertoia Auctions item so rare was the fact that it was a salesman's sample. As such, it was never played with, but would probably be in a nice wooden box, and travel with the Hubley salesman.  Even the decal is almost in excellent condition. This particular item went for a high price at auction.

The original photos were small, but I didn't want to bother Brian to ask for larger ones. Business people are busy, and don't need the "pestering" of a blogger". However, when I did  isolate these beauties from their background and placed them against white, I didn't need larger.
They're magnificent!

Now if I just had some money, I'd be sleepless for a few nights - 
buy the motorcycle or the toy, the toy or the motorcycle! 
Decisions, decisions!

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always, 
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,
My e-mail address is toysearcher@gmail.com

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