Monday, April 14, 2014

A Dutch Toy Seller Requests Help

Monday, April 14, 2014
          (Very warm and sunny)

A Dutch Toy Seller 
Requests Help

   Earlier last week, I got a request from Mr. Stefan J.R. Bilo asking to help him in identifying some toys which he though were Hubley. I should have asked Stefan how they came to be in the Netherlands, but I'll ask him when I post today. I replied "sure", but would need photos go good quality and larger-sized. Also, of there were any impressions or embossments, I also asked for those photos. An impression is an indentation into the metal part of the toy, while an embossment is a raised surface created as part of the original mould.

   The photos and Stefan's letter were in my mailbox when I woke up. After my usual coffee and muffin at Tim Horton's (Canadian Coffee chain, eh), I returned home, and worked on the photos.  Next time I get a request, I will be more specific in my instructions. Stefan sent me a total of 9 photos. I could have used more, and some with several different camera angles, and some with lower camera angles.  If a camera angle is too high and perpendicular (90 degrees to the toy), the photo will compress all of the detail. This will make it hard to examine the details.

   Fortunately, Both Stefan and I were lucky. All of the toys were from the Hubley cast iron from the  Midget Line (4-6"  / 102 - 152 mm). I put several question marks (?) where I couldn't be 100% accurate in my identifications. 

I used a Hubley Toys catalogue that was reproduced (reprinted)  by  Thomas Toys in 1973. This helped me identify the toys. I sometimes use toy catalogues when a person from whom I have permission to write about their toys does not provide enough information.

This is the book that I used. I was able to purchase it from on the Net. 
It was reprinted by Thomas Toys.

I added a "????" to the blue car in the lower left corner.
The high camera angle and the front view make it hard to  identify it.
I think it is the lower left car in the illustration, but I can't be 100% sure.

I added a "?" here. The illustration in the catalogue has 2 horizontal pipes behind the seat.
The toy above has only 1.

Thanks for visiting,
and as always have a great part of the day,
wherever you may be.
My email address is:

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