Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Very Rare "Buddy "L" Tugboat

Wednesday, February 12, 2014
                      (Post # 2 of the day)

The Very Rare
Buddy "L" Tugboat

  If you read the preceding post, I was discussing rare Buddy L" toys. I decided to recheck the Buddy "L" tugboat, and sure enough it is quite rare. Correspondingly, it also garners high bids at auction. So as a second post of the day, here are 2 Buddy "L" tugboats from Bertoia Auctions.

The above red tugboat is the rarest because it perhaps was a saleman's sample. 
As such few of these would in fact have been produced.

Thanks for dropping by
and have a great part of the day,
wherever you may be.
write to me anytime at

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