Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Hubley Panama Steam Shovel

Wednesday, February 13, 2014
            (Very cold with snow forecast)

The Hubley Panama Steam Shovel

    It's not the first time that I had seen this Hubley cast iron steam shovel. However, earlier in the week, I was looking at toy steam shovels, and this came up. Newsworthy events create interest, and hence toys. The Lindburgh Airplane, Rockets, the Concorde SST and so forth.

   The Panama Canal started to be built by France in 1881, but the work was taken over by the USA in 1904, and finally finished in 1914. France ceded construction to the USA due to many workers dying due to malaria , other diseases and construction accidents. The  Panama Canal is  48 miles long or 78.1 km. At present  the Canal system is undergoing expansion to allow for the supertankers and the very large cargo ships, and of course the gargantuan cruise ships. Once again, there is a hiatus in construction as the Spanish consortium has gone over budget by $ 1,000,000,000.00 due to construct cost overruns unforeseen.

The above pair of images were made for what is called a stereoscope.
The images were photographed slightly different from each other, and when placed in the device created a 3D ( 3-dimensional) image.

This particular toy was in superb condition when it went to action, and garnered a very good price for the seller. Also, I did some photo-editing to highlight the nice features of this beautiful toy.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always have a great part of the day,
wherever you may be.
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