Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Fantastic Canadian Discovery - Part I

   Saturday, January 11, 2014
Finally-Warmer but Rain - Can't have it All! 

A Fantastic Canadian Discovery
Part I -Farming Toys

   I have the pleasure today of introducing you to a Canadian Company and Canadian toys. Canada was linked to Great Britain as a member of the British Commonwealth. However, Canada not quite "independent",until 1967 ,when our illustrious then Prime Minister, Mr. Pierre Trudeau repatriated the constitution from Great Britain. Not all of the provinces agreed,but we finally had out "independence" after almost 300 years.

  Being linked to Britain, Canada imported many British-made toys,and occasionally some  American toys. You have to realize that back then (1900-1945), Canada was the second largest country in the world by land area. However, the population in 1900 was only 5,301,000 and in 1945 about 12,500,000. As such,  Most American companies were not really interested in selling in Canada. The country was huge, the population spread out across a vast area, and distribution was more difficult.

  Occasionally A Canadian company would start up and so we have the Lincoln toy company that I present to you today.  The company was founded in 1946 by Haven Kimmerly and Fredrick Kimmerly in 1946, and closed sadly in 1959. It was located in Walkerville, Ontario, Canada.

Today's guest preferred to remain anonymous. However, as usual, I've added the © Copyright 2014 notice to protect the photos. Should anyone need to have a copy, please write to me, and I'll pass on the request to the owner.

what's interesting about these farm toys is that they were modelled after a Canadian farm machinery company called  Massey Harris.  The company started out 1847 in Newcastle,Ontario, Canada, and expanded right from its establishment. The products were well made, especially for the Canadian harsh winters. The company was purchased by AGCO, an American company. Massey Harris is still a world-renowned company and still manufacturers quality farm machinery.

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

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