Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Big Help from Down Under

Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Big Help From Down Under

    Just about Christmas, I was looking on ebay when I saw some excellent photos of very old race cars that I had not seen before. I wrote the seller, even though there was a message to everyone to say that he/she would be back after January 10, 2014 in the New Year.  Sure enough, I heard from (Mrs.) Valerie Howe and I was informed that I could use her photos and of course write a narrative about her.

    As it turns out, Valerie is an excellent trading assistant. A trading assistant on ebay is someone who will help you in many different ways if you would like someone to help you to sell on  ebay. Valerie works with her husband Dennis to take the high-quality photos that you will soon see. As well, she lists the items, writes the description,and takes care of everything.  from people asking questions, to the sale, to shipping.  A fee is charged to clients for her services as remuneration for her hard work. Not everyone wants to have to sign up on  ebay , then paypal, and provide their personal information. Other people may not have computers, or be able to take photographs. And so, the concept of  trading assistants were  created to help people wanting to sell their merchandise.

That's Valerie's pedigree cavy (Guniea pig), and both she and her cavy won the "Best of Show" in Australia in 2012.

The cavy is certainly very cute. The cavy is a sow (female), and is is a "crested pink eyed whit". 

   When I started to look at Valerie's items that had sold, I immediately noticed today's presentation - A Kingsbury pressed steel windup of a Malcolm Campbell Blue Bird Racer. I have 2 other exceptional racers to present later in the week, but I wrote vale ire back to say that I would have to make a "special" post just for this item.

Below is Valerie's description from the listing on ebay  

Kingsbury/Bluebird Landspeed Record Racer
Manufacturer is Kingsbury and Country of Origin U.S.A.
Wind up operation
No restoration and the toy is operating.
The unique wind-up mechanism was developed and patented by Kingsbury.
Officially known as a "Napier Campbell Bluebird III",
This is an accurate and detailed large size toy.
This car set a landspeed record of 246mph at Daytona Beach.
Original and in excellent condition.
Measures 20" or approx. 51cms and weighs almost 1kg.

   I asked Valerie about her excellent photography, and she said that her husband Dennis takes these superb photos. He uses a "tent" - a photographic term  for a small rectangular enclosure with diffusion material on 3 sides.This allows for illumination from studio lights to be softened, hence the nice highlights and soft shadows. He's self-taught, but for sure, he's done his homework! Valerie is the "stylist", and she helps her husband come up with the framing,camera angles,and detail photos for each listing. 

I like this close-up (Macro "shot") of the driver in his seat.

The underside photo illustrates the patented and unique Kingsbury wind-up mechanism.
That's how you always identify any Kingsbury wind-up toy - by the wind-up mechanism.
Only Kingsbury ever had this mechanism design.

Another fine macro photograph of the wind-up mechanism.

 And yet still another fine macro photograph and "detail shot".
A great photo from the rear end of the car.
Notice how the focus is sharp from the back to the front!

This particular Kingsbury sold very well on ebay. The item is is very good condition, but high-quality photographs, a well-written description, and of course the excellent feedback and reputation of Valerie Howe all helped. And maybe that "cavy" had some influence on this sale. When you are "the" # 1 pedigree cavy in Australia for 2012, you must have to have some "smarts" besides your good looks!

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day or night, 
wherever you may be.

And if you're from Australia G'day mate!

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