Thursday, December 19, 2013

Sometimes, My Mistakes Turn Out Great!

Thursday, December 20 , 2013

Sometimes, My Mistakes
Turn Out Great!

I posted yesterday (with December 20, 2013) as the date some of the best photography that I've seen while blogging. I sent the owner, Mark an e-mail asking for his family name, because I forgot to ask in the e-mail that I sent him originally. AS I was again looking to write another post on Mark, I saw one of his toys that I immediately recognized. Oops! I had written about Mr. Mark Freeman before ,and I made avery embarrassing mistake - I forgot! 

I had originally posted about Mark and his ebay store WarPath Collectibles on November 11, 2013.
When I saw that, I had already used the Distler toy there,and now I had used it again for the December 20 post! I'll still keep both posts, and try to have a better way of remembering whom I write about! So Mark, if you're reading this,my apologies!

What I find so great about Mark's excellent photography is that he takes the time to 
show us the detail. He does this through sharply-focussed photos,excellent lighting, and high-resolution images.This takes time and effort, and Mark does this for the expensive and inexpensive toys,and the large or small toys. That's what being an excellent and successful seller is all about - effort and dedication!

You absolutely, positively have to look at these photos in the Blogger slide view mode. In the close-up of the trigger, you will see all of the written information and patents that were imprinted on the side!
Now that's detail!

I will be returning to Mark's store in the future, but being "en guarde" to ensure that I don't forget who the seller and his fine merchandise are!

How could I with such great toys and photography !

Thanks for visiting,
and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

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