Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Exceptional Photographic treatment and Care-Part I

Friday, December 20, 2013

Exceptional Photographic treatment and Care-Part I

   What caught my attention for today's post was the photography quality. Not only was the photography excellent, but every item from higher-priced to lower-priced and big or small was photographed with the same care and attention. For myself, that tells me something about the seller.
Mr. Vince Sarchese, is the owner of  real_antiques on ebay, and all of his items are well-photographed. I can only base my conclusion on how I treated my merchandise when I photographed my toys for  ebay.  Of course, I started to blog, and wanted nice photos, but I figured that if I photographed everything well, I would be able to sell easier. Also, I had never sold anything on  ebay, so I also thought that showing the toys well would be an asset.

I like how Vince has made a montage for the 
standard that he wants to maintain with his store.

You'll have to change the blog view to slide show to see the true quality of the photos. But to really best see them, you need to go to  ebay.   However,just looking at the above photo gives you a good sense of the toy quality and condition, as well as the excellent photography.

Speaking for  myself, and I would think Vince would agree, that once you start taking quality photography,  the extra work involved is soon forgotten. And like all other things, the work get easier and faster. But you also get a sense of pride in comfort at having achieved this level and standard.

I will be adding another post soon on Vince and his high quality photography and of course the interesting toys and details of the toys! 

When I see such nice content, I just can't stop looking!

Thanks for visiting,
and as always, 
have a great part of the day or night,
'wherever you my be.

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