Friday, December 27, 2013

Come Fly With Me.....

Friday, December 27, 2013
                    (Mild and overcast)

Come Fly With Me.....

    I remember the American Airline motto and song that always appeared on Tv in the 1960's-70's when we used to watch American NFL Football every sunday.  As usual, I was browsing through ebay's website, when I came across this beautiful orange and blue toy. It's a 1941 pull toy from 1941.  Being a toy having been produced during WWII, I would presume that it was purposely made from wood,as metal was in short supply and was being used for the war effort.

    I was fortunate enough to find this toy at Randy's Toy Shop, a fine seller with whom I have the pleasure and permission to use his great selection of toys, and excellent (as usual) photography.  With the photographs, you can see the ingenuity as to how the propellers work. 

   The above low-camera angle photo is excellent in terms of the way it adds a sense of "majesty" to the toy, as well as illustrating exactly how the propellers work.  Metallic coiled spring wires are attached to the axles on the inside of the wheels. As the toy is pulled along by a string (missing), the wire turns two axles inside both wings. Those axles  are connected to directly to the propellers.

There's another photo (above) to illustrate  how the propellers rotate - ingenious!

The design graphics are great! 
What I also like is the ingenuity of the rear support for the airplane - a bent wire.

I like old-style fonts, and the Fisher-Price logo is just that - circa 1941!

Another great photograph with a wide-angle effect.
What's interesting is the fact that the wood is so coarse, and wasn't planed and sanded smooth.
I wonder of that had to do with the conservation of electricity during WWII times, or just was made like that for a "folk-art" effect?

As usual, Randy presented a most -interesting toy with great photography.
What more could we ask for?

Thanks for stopping by,
and as always, 
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

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