Saturday, December 28, 2013

A Beautiful Kingsbury Trolley

Saturday, December 28,  2013
                (Very Mild and Cloudy)

A Beautiful Kingsbury Trolley

   In 1955, our family moved to a part of Montreal called Outremont. We had outgrown our previous triplex apartment unit,and so we moved. About 1956-58, the City of Montreal decided to retire their streetcars, as we called them here,and modernize to busses. I remember vaguely that the streetcars were made of wood and of course steel, rode on steel tracks,and got their power from overhead electrical lines. When I was in San francisco many years later with my wife Heidi, we rode the trolley and it was a great experience. Of course, with Montreal winters, that experience would have been much different!

   So when I saw the Kingsbury trolley, I know immediately that I would have to post it for today. I have the pleasure and permission to use the exceptional "discoveries" that I always find on Opamerica's ebay store site. They have an excellent sales record and reputation, and  have a broad range of toys in terms of people's interests and budgets. And as a blogger, I like them because they take great photos, and I donlt have to improve them very much.

Fantastic photo - my favourite.
For those who don't know, I'm also a pro photographer.
I like that slightly-compressed foreground to background view.

 That round shape between the wheels on the left of the bus is the Kingsbury 
wind-up mechanism.  All of the moving Kingsbury toys appear to have this unique mechanism.
The painted blue tires is a small detail,but certainly caught my attention.
And the tires that are still intact after so many years!

I hope everyone is having a happy holiday, 
and having a good rest from the day-to-day 
hectic regiment of work.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

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