Monday, December 30, 2013

An Exceptional Pull Toy

Monday, December 30, 2013

An Exceptional Pull Toy

   As soon as I saw the photo of this toy, I know I wanted to see it larger.  I already wrote about the ebay company  -Traders of Lost Art  on November 11, 2013, but I like to revisit people, websites, auctioneers, and collectors again. 

  I can try and explain why I like this in terms of geometry, colour, the subject, but I cant quite explain to you why I like this toy so much. So the best thing that I can do, is show you the photos that Mr. Mradul Singhal took, and let you see if you also like this toy a lot.

I like nature and wildlife, so perhaps that's one of the reasons that I like this you. The beautiful rack on this deer , the prongs and so forth are designed so well.  Also the way the front legs are bent, as if the animal is jumping over something. I also like the contrast of the warm and cold tones - orange and blue, as well as the harsh the contrasting shapes (the deer, the antlers,and the radiating spokes of the large wheels.

Fantastic top view photograph!

A detail photo of the underneath of this toy

A close-up photo of the  deer's antlers.
The texture (indentations) of the deer's folds of skin are done exceptionally well!

I saved the  description of this toy for the last.
This was a"surprise" for me. 

The toy is:

A Huge Early Hand-painted German Deer Pull Along Wheel tin Toy, in Good Condition.
It's a very big collection piece.
Size:    18: x 6.5" x 10"      46 cm x 16 cm x 26 cm 
Weight:  2 Pounds 1.11 ounces   1082 grams 

Now that's  certainly a collectible!

Thjanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day, 
wherever you may be.

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