Tuesday, December 31, 2013

All The Best for A Healthy and Happy New Year

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

All the Best for a Healthy and Happy New Year

   Yesterday, I was searching for a company logo which I had used in anther post, and wanted to add to a newer post. I couldn't find the specific one, so I didi a search on my computer and up popped hundreds and hundreds of logos. Many were duplicates, since that's what computer like to do - make backup copies and more copies.  I was so taken aback at how many different logos and of course people that I wrote about, that I decided to simply add all of the logos, and say thank you to all.

  If by accident, I forget to add someone, please, please write to me, so that I may add you to the post.
I'm adding the posts by no special order, but simply from the files of the search that I did on my computer.

So to all of my sponsors ,who are more like my friends
and to everyone who has ever visited this blog,
a big, big thank you. 

And as for the New Year,
 a wish for health and happiness,
and success in whatever you do.

Stacey Bindman

December 31, 2013

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