Friday, September 20, 2013

Some Before Unseen Arcade Toys

Friday, September 20, 2013
(Another Beautiful Late Summer Day)

Some Before Unseen Arcade Toys
(From a 1940 Catalogue)

   I've been doing "chores" around the house, and since I've been "lazy" at not cycling regularly, the work made me sore all over. The weather for the last 5 days has been exceptional - sunny, low humidity, not too windy, clear skies, and between 75-81 F ( 24-29 C). I repaired the cedar fence, then mowed the lawn, polished the car, and cleaned my car's engine! Then we also had "Fritz", my cousin's dog to take care of. Buddy, our poodle gets jealous, and Fritz is "higher-maintenance", so between the 2 dogs, my chores, and writing, I'm finally "recovering".

   I received the 1940 Arcade Catalogue "The World of To-Morrow" reproduction earlier in the week. The quality of the 1988 publication reproduction (Noble House, P.O. Box 964, Mundelein, IL, USA 60060) is excellent compared with the smaller ones that I had been previously receiving. This one is 8 1/2" x 11" ( 218mm x 285mm).

   For today, I decided to again match up toys that I had not seen before or not written about, with their catalogue images. I'm going to write more on the catalogue, comparing it with the 1936 catalogue that I received a few weeks ago.  Many of the earlier toys were sadly "decommissioned" . The fancy word sounds better than "discontinued". 

   For today, I chose not to add the written description to the Bertoia photos.  The toys are already described in the scanned pages of the 1940 catalogue. Of course, I usually add what Bertoia described in terms of repaints or replacements, but left that out as well. 

Many of the toys that I've presented today came from the Late Mr. Donald Kaufman Collection. You'll notice that the quality of most of the toys is very high. He spent a lot of time searching out these fine Arcade toys, and although they didn't yield the high prices as some of his most rarest antique toys, these toys found new homes with new collectors.  As for the toys, it's hard to believe that they're 70 years old!  

It's great to see the legacy of Mr. Kaufman enthusiasm for collecting toys  being passed on to another generation of toy collectors. 

Thanks for dropping by to visit,

and have a great part of the day or night 
wherever you may be.  If you happen to be reading this soon 
( I just posted @ 19:48 P.M. EST North America), I hope you had the great day that I had today.


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