Sunday, September 22, 2013

Big Buddy "L" Machines

Sunday, September 22, 2013
           Fall (Autumn) Begins

Big Buddy "L" Toys

   I did a cursory check to see what I had written about Buddy "L". After that, I decided to use Bertoia's great current listings for their Christmas Special auction.  Somebody must have had a great collection, since there are so many Buddy "L" toys listed. I decided to simply concentrate on the machines. Most of these toys were made between 1920-1931, not the best time to make large-sized, and most likely expensive toys. Remember, this is when the Great Depression had happened.  I especially like these toys. If I was a child, I 'd be playing with these. However, I could just hear my mother and  father had I even mentioned that I would like one of these toys. where will we put it? It's too big! It's too expensive! And imagine if I wanted a second one for my next birthday!

   The reason that I like these toys is that they're hands on. You get to play with them, load them, turn gears, and move them! It's interesting that compared with most European toys, these Buddy "L" toys are huge! There are the occasional "huge" European toys , such as Marklin naval and commercial ships, but those were made earlier, and they most likely were extremely expensive at the time! I would think that the Marklin toys were sold to a certain "niche" market, whereas, the Buddy "L" had a broader appeal, both in terms of cost, and appeal.

If I had one of these toys back then, I would be out today playing with this toy - even in the rain.
Of course, today, if I was a kid, there would be a dozen reasons why I couldn't have such a toy and not be able to play with it. One reason would be that it was raining, and of course the second - try and find a sandbox in the 21st century today in a park - what's a sandbox?

Thanks fro dropping by,

and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.


  1. Hey, my kid has one of those long forgotten sand boxes! Lol. Then again, I try to raise him like I was raised. I know, that's just awful to young, modern parents. Oh well, their loss. Anyway, I'd like to know the price of some of these trucks, particularly the fire truck. Can ya help me out? Thanks. If you can email me at I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

  2. Hi Stacy,

    If you go to Bertoia Auctions or Liveauctioneers and search out Buddy "L",
    you should get a selection of results. From there, some of the results
    may match up to your toys.

    Thanks for writing,

