Saturday, July 20, 2013

Red's Toy Parts

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Red's Toy Parts

   3 Days ago, I wrote about VMCH- a nice E-Bay store and owner who  lives in Wyoming. He also wrote me back to say that he also sells antique toy parts both on E-Bay, and through his Net store called Red's Toy Parts. So naturally, I saw my future post. I had always wanted to write a post with both replacement toy parts and photos of toys that would match up with the parts. Since I always prefer to keep each post unique to one seller, both Red's current and sold toys, as well as his toy parts offered me one of those "eureka Moments". I could now write the post that I always wanted. I then remembered that I also had taken loads of photos for my buying and selling on E-Bay, so I could add some of those. I'll add my photos at some future date, as I have a doctor's appointment today, and am running out of time.

   THe Logo below is not quite Red's actual Logo, but I had used this one as a watermark. I hope that he won't mind.

The photo montage above are just some of the old and antique cast iron toys that Red McHoes has sold. Many of them actually have new hubs and tires that I'm sure Red mentioned on his listings. 
He mentions on all his merchandise descriptions that the tires are all 100% rubber, rather than silicone that some other stores sell.  The rubber are truer to the original nature of the old cast iron toys, and are better in quality.

I've enhanced the photos below to make the parts easier to see. However, I haven;t had the time to match up the toy with the actual parts. However, I'm sure anyone having an cast iron toy needing parts can most-easily visit Red's Toy Parts store and figure out which parts belong to their cast iron toy.

As you can see, Red McHoe certainly has a broad range of toy parts to match most people cast iron toys that are missing parts. If you ever purchase an old toy, and decide to buy replacement parts, keep the old parts. Collectors like to have original parts, even if the parts are in poor condition.

Thanks for dropping by,

and have a great part of the day,
wherever you may be.

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