Wednesday, February 29, 2012

America's Love of Speed

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Only once in every 4 years

America's Love of Speed

     February 29 only occurs every 4 years. The reason is that the earth rotates around the sun in 365 1/4 (365.25) days. So every 4 years the 4 quarters are added to the year in February, which needs the day, because it's the shortest month.

     America loves speed. Right now the NASCAR series of races are high-profile, and have need the association billions of dollars in TV revenues, and advertising. Then America has the Indy 500, and of course the land-speed record that occurs on the Bonneville Salt Flats. Great Britain periodically held the land-speed record on the Salt flats intermittently between American record holders. Sir Malcolm Campbell held records for land-spped in the 1920's and 1930's. There are some beautiful racers that Kingsbury made, but they're way out of my price range.

     I just received this Hubley # 22 cast iron racer. It was manufactured in the USA in 1946-47 and identified as Hubley model # 456. Other variations of this beautiful car were made after. I purchased one of these when I first started selling toys, but didn't photograph it like today.  Back then, I was photographing  to illustrate the detail, and without "drama".  However one has to wonder at some of the photographs that e-Bay allows on their site (underexposed, out-of-focus, and badly lit)!

    So for today, I thought I'd present to you this nice toy, which measures just shy of 7 1/2"  or 190mm.

        Starting in July, E-Bay is going to allow 12 free images to be uploaded for each item. If you've ever looked on E-Bay, I've been presenting a photo combination of 4 small images. As well, I like to take nice photos. 

      Now I'll be able to present these photos for selling, although, like I've mentioned above, good photos don't always sell merchandise on E-Bay, garbage photos sometimes do!

Thanks for visiting, and have a good morning, afternoon, or evening wherever you may be.


1 comment:

  1. We are always watching ebay for Hubley racers, what is your ebay ID so we can watch your items.

    We buy bulk lots as well, if you are interested in doing some guest posts on our blog, or possibly selling some your hubley cast iron toys to us we would be interesting in seeing what you have to offer.

    You can write to us using our contact form on our blog.

