Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Different Kind Of Barclay Slush Toy

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Different Kind of 
Barclay Slush Toy

     This nice Barclay Slush Toy arrived yesterday. It's  3 11/16" long or 92 mm. It's hard to purchase Barclay Slush toys because they are in such demand. THere is also the Savoye Slush Toy Company, but they're even more expensive.

    If you're reading this, and happen to be with a 2-3 hour radius of Montreal,Quebec,Canada then send me an e-mail. We can work form there (send photos) , and then I can come to Ontario, Connecticut, New York, or Vermont and have a look and buy some nice toys.  

   With E-Bay charging sometimes up to 8.5% commission for sales and for shipping, my profit margin is tight!  BTY (By the way), my e-mail address is Please title the
 e-mail with the word toys or I won't open it. I got an e-mail from my wife's cousin and it turned out to be a virus! And they say Macs never have viruses! Luckily, the virus was limited to my Hotmail account, but 1584 saved message addresses were used to send the virus to other people! What a mess!

   What's different about this Barclay slush toy is that it doesn't have the usual 2 openings at the bottom of the toy. The way the slush toys were made is by pouring molten alloys of zinc/lead or zinc/tin (I';ll need to check that) into moulds, and having the excess liquid metal pour out.

    This toy was made differently. Perhaps, it's not a "Slush" toy, but a lead toy made differently. Whatever the method of manufacture, this toy certainly is beautiful! Of course, it cost me a "pretty penny", but it's worth it for this instalment, and I usually can make back my money and even make a profit!

   So here's Barclay # 317 in all of its' majesty and glory! On the E-Bay description, the car was described as a Police Patrol Car.

        I like the way "Made in USA" in cast in the left rear part of the car. Most people want to come to live in the USA, and to better themselves. Once upon a time, that dream was much more believable than today. I don't know what happened to Her, but hopefully, America will overcome the problems of the last 50 years, and return to what it once was. Perhaps that a big dream!*

*I hope most of you don't mind the small editorial.

Thanks for dropping by, and as always,
Have a good morning, afternoon, or evening, 
wherever you may be.


  1. Ir's not a slush mold car but a diecast one. And therefore newer than the slush mold ones, who where made till ± 1940.
    With regards, Pim.

  2. Hi Pim,

    Thanks for your help with my blog.
    Also thanks for correcting the information on this toy.

