Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Lifeline of Antique Toy Collectors

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Lifeline of Antique Toy Collectors
(The Replacement Parts Suppliers)

     I hope that everyone's holiday festivities and New Year Celebrations went well,and everyone is all keen for the upcoming year. For me, toy-selling is starting off slow, but some of my more-expensive listings are doing well, and of course, some of my sales have been under $ 10.00 U.S., but everything counts. 

     When I first started selling old toys I'd by replacement or missing parts, and even repainted and restored some toys. I actually did quite well at this, and learned a lot. The problem is that many collectors and E-Bay buyers want the beat-up "as is" toys. I haven't quite understood this (tongue in cheek) yet! There's a program on the Discovery Channel  (Is this exclusively Canadian or American as well?) where a very-talented restorer takes old large-sized items and restores then to what they would have looked like from 112-100 year old. People pay him thousands of dollars to restore these old items. Then there are car enthusiasts (real people-driving cars)that pay millions for a totally-restored 1902 car!
What am I missing here?

     Anyway, I reduced my expenses by not buying really beat-up toys, don;t paint too many old ones anymore, and only occasionally either add the missing or broken parts, or send them to the buyer for him/her to repair. Of course, I add a disclaimer that I won't be responsible for damages resulting form poor installation of broken or missing parts. Even I have had the experience of breaking an old toy just to try and replace a broken or missing part!

    So today's instalment is all about those great people and resources out there who sell or make the parts that one needs to restore old toys. I wasn't feeling well today with a bout of nausea, but as of now (7:15 P.M. E.S.T.), I'm OK.

   I've only included 3 suppliers, and when I research back to my files and find several others, I'll add them as well. Also, all of the parts are new, but since I don't include  or repair toys as much, I have  some photos that make the toy parts look dusty and dirty. That's my fault, as I keep them in a "throw anything into that drawer".

  One thing that I can't stress enough is to research whom you're buying a toy from on E-Bay or form whom you're buying toy parts from. Just once I deviated from my own advise and the items "never arrived", and I never got a refund or another shipment.  I learned that from when I was in photography school. The teacher's advise was to stay with a camera store or in this case a supplier. Even if you pay a little bit more, these nice people get to know who you are, and will go out of their way to help you out. These fine people are great, and I don't even but in huge quantities or dollar volume.

   One other thing- There is not order or ranking today for this instalment, or for that matter any of my instalments. All 3 of these sources are terrific. Also, my record-keeping is not the best, so I can't necessarily remember who I purchased what from. I've added their addresses  "a la Photoshop" on the shipping boxes, so that you may go to their  respective sites, and also separately.

   The photos that I've included are just a fraction of what these people have to offer. However what I'm presenting is just what I have bought for my limited  realm of  vintage toy companies.

 Thomas Toys, Inc.

 Toy Repair.com

 Classic Tin Toy Company

 Toy Tires and Parts
(Only sells Through E-Bay)

 Landing gear and Rubber Tires for the Hubley P-38

 The soil and dust is from me and my drawer where I place the parts.
This is just a sampling of tires that are available for cars or airplanes.
The larger-sized ivory-coloured tires are for Wyandotte trucks.
I haven't any lately, as the cost of shipping is more expensive for larger toys, and shipping costs are going up.

 The propellers and the 2 other roundish metallic parts are for the Hubley P-38.
The chain is for a Doepke Sand Mover
It's great meeting people on the Net. I was corresponding with a buyer, and he called the narcelles something else, so I "corrected him". Oops! It turned out he had a manual of airplane terminology and might have even been a pilot for all I know, and I was "embarrassed, and apologized.
I'm always learning new things such as "tact" and "diplomacy", or in common language "think before you write or speak"!

 The Hubley P-38
It's currently for sale on E-Bay.

A nice Doepke toy of a real Barber-Greene Sand Mover

Another nice Doepke toy of a real Barber-Greene Sand Mover

 Assorted parts starting Clockwise from the 12:00 o'clock position:

1. Wyandotte China Clipper Replacement Decals
2. A Wyandotte Rear Tail
3.Centre: A Gascap for a Wyandotte Car Coupe
4. Propeller for the China Clipper
5. Metal Tube Spacer for Tootsietoy Graham Cars or Similar Other Brand.
6.  Can Anyone Help me here - 2 back rubber tires mounted on axles ???

2 Different Wyandotte Coupes
The one on the left is missing its' gas tank cover.

 Hubley P-38 Propellers

 The Wyandotte China Clipper

Classic Tin Toys Logo on Shipping Box
(Photoshopped on)

CToy  Tires and Parts
(Photoshopped on)
Only Sells on E-Bay

Larger Wooden tires in the back, and the metallic axles are for Tootsiey Grahams and Lasalles

Close-up of a Quartet of Wyandotte Ruber Tires

Assorted Broken Parts.
Why do I keep them?

 Thomas Toys, Inc.
Address Photoshopped On.

Assorted Axles for Small Toy Cars.

Classic Tin Toy Company
Address Photoshopped On.

 Hubley  Propellers Most Likely for One of their Single-Prop Military Plane
I only had 1 of these, so I simply took 2 photos of the same item, and them placed the 2 together.

 Hubley Airplanes with Foldable Wings

 More Rubber Tires and 1 axle for the Tootsietoy Graham Cars and LaSalles.

 Julie Thomas is the daughter of Mr. Thomas, the owner of  Thomas Toys, Inc.
I somehow got to know her and phone her when I need something yesterday or need advise.
Julie has even asked her father for information as to how to remove a part in order to replace it.
I've aslo spoken with Mr. Thomas, and Julie's brother.

When these Tootsietoy Graham grill/headlights/bumper combinations arrived, I couldn't believe the TLC (Tender Loving Care) that was taken!

So, as usual, I thank you for dropping by, and have a good morning, afternoon or evening, wherever you may be.

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