Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Year of Tootsietoys-2011

Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Year of Tootsietoys

    I have been fortunate to be able to enter the field of antique toys after having taught for 32 years. I "fell" into this area by accident after having sold high-end Macs on E-Bay. It's been almost a year since the change, and I've had a great experience, more in terms of personal growth than in financial gain. I've been told on several occasions that  this "field", since I don't know if I could call it a profession, will not make me rich! Selling high-end Macs  didn't get me that Lear Jet either!

    I decided for today that I'd like to share with you, my readers almost 95% of all of the Tootsietoys that I've managed to buy and then sell. I've enjoyed learning about toys, photographing them,  meeting all kinds of wonderful people, and more importantly regaining that warm feeling of achievement that I had lost in the later years of teaching.

    On a slightly negative note, I've had at least 4-5 occasions where my photos have been used without accreditation or  monetary reward have been forthcoming. There is a small but nevertheless  disencumbering group of people and corporations who don't mind taking your photos and using them  for financial gain, and not sharing their wealth. I've had 1 person remove the entire page (rather than just the 1 photo), another has ignored me so far (after 1 week), and a third has simply blocked me from going to his site to see if my photos are still up. A few others I've so far left for the new year to deal with!

     I take great toy photos most of the time, and didn't mind adding high-definition and file-sizes to Picassa and Flickr, where some of my photos are. As well, my 2 blogs contain the same quality as well.

    As a consequence, I've decided to place a "Do Not Copy" overlay on my photos from now on. It won;t stop the "crooks", but I think people will begin to see that this "is not right". 

    I apologize to the 99.999% of you out there who have no interest in copying my photos or have a use for them. I've tried to have keep the "do not copy" overlay transparent enough so as to not be irritating or distracting. 

    If any of you have a better idea, or if my overlay is too distracting, by all means please send me a note, and I'll try and work something out.

    So let's get back to being in a good mood, and I present to you all my 2011 photo collection of all the great Tootsietoys that have come my way. Also, keep in mind that the photos are still  4" x 6"
 (100 mm x 150mm) @ 300 dpi, and can be viewed at higher magnifications if you so choose to do so. I just decided to make the images smaller this time, so that you could see more images at 1 time without scrolling, and the ones you really wanted to enlarge would be easier to do so.




























Well that certainly took a morning of my time!

I'm not sure if I'll have any more instalments for the remaining 2 days, so enjoy this one, and remember that you can magnify any image to get a detailed and better view.

If you don't here from me, all the best to everyone for a Healthy and Happy New Year, whereever yoiu may be.

Stacey Bindman

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