Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Late-Arrival E-Mail

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Late-Arrival E-Mail 
(Another Fine Smith-Miller Toy)

     I was checking my e-mails today, when I received this an e-Mail from a person with the E-Bay ID name of "Juhelville". I checked and the message said something like "It's OK, thanks Mike". The message didn't have my portion, so I had to check, and I found my letter that was sent to "Juhelville"  some time in October. That was when I wanted to write an instalment about Smith-Miller toys. As they say, "better late than never", so today's instalment is simply a bout the Smith Miller truck sold by Mike, and a bit on Mike.

    I'll e-mail him later, and perhaps I'll get more info. Anyway, from what I gathered from e-Bay he's an excellent seller and has top ratings. He's been registered with e-Bay for almost 9 years.

 wThe above screen capture informs you that "Juhelville":

1.Has initiated 2791 transactions to date
2. He is a top-rated seller - that gold and red/green badge
3. He has a store - the little red-door icon


A Bit more information About Mike from His Home Page

The "Home Page"  presents to the reader some information about the seller or buyer.

What I decided to do is simply give Mike an instalment page of his own. However, you can go back to my blog of October 28, 2011 in order to see the other Smith-Miller Toys and photos that the nice E-Bayers, like  Mike offered to me for my post.

*Please do not copy any of these photos 
without the permission of Mike on E-Bay (Juhelville is his E-Bay ID).

So thanks for dropping by, and as always, 
have a good morning, good afternoon, or good evening.

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