Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Larger Tootsietoy Cars and Trucks

Sunday, January 8, 2012
(Not Much Snow So Far)

The Larger Tootsietoy
Cars & Trucks

     There are a small number of Tootsietoy vehicles that are in fact called "Jumbos". THey're larger than the "regular"Tootsietoys. However, for today, I just decided to present all of the larger-sized Tootsies that have passed through my hands in the last year.

     Right now, the E-Bay toy market for Tootsietoys and other old toys is a bit "finicky". The American economy is still in a recession, but there was good news, in that 260,000 new jobs were added. I just checked with a Net search and the jobs are not necessarily top-paying jobs, but the job market still is better than the month before. Also, the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays have just finished, and peoples' priorities are more for paying their bills than buying old toys.

    So here are larger-sized Tootsies with a few "Jumbos" thrown in.  I have to again apologize because of the "Please Do Not Copy" marking on my photos. I will do this to minimize theft of my work, but unfortunately, it affects most of the "good people".

# 1018
Circa 1936-1941

1954 Model, 6" long
Circa 1955-1959

Cadillac With A Tow Hook
1954 Model, 6" long
Circa 1955-1959

Beautiful Experimental Chrysler Car
6" long Roadster
Circa 1947-1949

Jumbo Pickup Truck with Base Plate
Circa 1936-1941

2 Jumbo Pickup Truck 
Circa 1936-1941

1954 Model, 6" long
Circa 1955-1959

Buick Station Wagon
1954 model, 6" long
Circa 1955-1959

Kaiser Sedan
1947 Model, 6" long
Circa 1947-1949

International K5 Stake Truck
1947 Model,  6" long

# 1018
Circa 1936-1941

Lower Left Corner 
# 1018
Circa 1936-1941

Auburn Roadster # 1016
6" long
Circa 1936-1941

Jumbo Coupe
# 1017
Circa 1936-1941

Mack L-Line Fire Truck (Missing Ladders)
1947 Model, 6" long
Circa 1953-1958

Thanks for dropping by, and have a good morning, 
afternoon or evening 

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