Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Some New Toys - Lesney

Tuesday,  December 13, 2011

Some New Toys

     I saw the small Lesney toys below on E-Bay, so I bid on them and won. They certainly have lots of nice detail for small toys, so I thought I 'd present them to you for today. I don't think they're worth lots because I think they're newer (post 1965), but they're certainly nice to look at. One thing that I've noticed is that I prefer to look at all of the toys that come through my hands as photos rather than "the real thing". Maybe I need  better eyeglasses, but the detail that the camera picks up with proper lighting makes these toys "sparkle" in the sense of interest, more so than looking at them with your eyes.

 Final Notes:

I left the size reference item, the American penny to the last. It was by accident, but I think this works for today's article. When I was working in Photoshop and then transferring the photos to the Blog, I forgot about their small sizes. The detail and colours certainly keep you interested and you forget that you could fit all4 into your pants' or skirt (ladies) pocket.

I also kept seeing red and green and wondered that, if these items weren't that heavy, could they make Christmas Tree ornaments?

Have a nice morning, afternoon, or evening.

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