Sunday, January 5, 2025

Continental Hobby House - A Fine Toy Seller on ebay

Sunday, January 5, 2025
-11° C /12° F
Sunny but Damp

Continental Hobby House
A Fine Toy Seller on ebay

I was on ebalast week searching for a toy, when the name 
Continental  Hobby House showed up on my search.  I went to the site 
and was surprised to see toys that I had not seen before. I also saw the owner's business card above which was nicely done. By the way, that's a nice cast iron  Hubley motorcycle with a policeman sitting. That definitely caught my attention!

There were lots of toys with a large selection of different brands. I wrote to the owner and asked for his permission to write a post. We texted back and forth, and finally, I got his permission to write a post for him.

What I liked right away, after I had looked through his toys, was the fact that
many of the toys I had not seen before.  There were lots of toys that I recognized, but the other toys that I saw  would be great for an introductory post. 

Also, there were many  well-done photographs to show potential
buyers, all of the different angles and if any, scratches or dents.

So for today, I'm introducing you to  

Description Below:

ULTRA RARE Vintage YONEZAWA Japan Tin Lithographed Friction Powered
LOCKHEED RC-121D Warning Star US Airforce Radome Airplane.
This USAF plane measures 9 1/4" long x 10" wingspan (23.5 cm x 25.4 cm)

Description Below:

Vintage GUNTHERMANN Clockwork Billiard Pool Snooker Player.
Measures 8" (20.32 cm). 
The figure (pool man) is 6" (15.24 cm)

Description Below:

Original Vintage BING (Germany) Uvalde Co. # 21 
tin lithographed clockwork steamroller toy.
Comes with a key.
Length:   9" (22.86 cm)

Description Below:

Rare Doepke WWII Wood tractor and trailer.
Length: 14" (35.56 cm).
Doepke "Fun to grow on"
No. W-18
farm tractor- 'n' - wagon
for children 1 1/2 to 6 years

Description Below:

Kingsbury Taxiplane with original box 
motor-driven straight ahead or in circles.
Length x Wingspan"
 15" x 12"
38.1 cm x 30.48 cm

The toys that I found were not only toys that I had not seen before,
but they were most certainly eclectic (from a broad range of sources).

I hope you liked the toys presented today as much as I did. 
It's always exciting to see new toys that I haven't seen before. 

So thanks for dropping by to visit, and as always:
Have a great part of the morning, afternoon, or evening wherever you may be.

My name is.  (Mr.) Stacey Bindman, 
and I can always be reached at:






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