Saturday, December 14, 2024

A New Post for the Belgian Monk

Saturday, December 12, 2024
-9° C / 16° F
Clear skies and Sunny

A New Post for the belgian monk

Please click on this sentence to visit the belgianmonk's ebay site

It's been a while since I wrote to the belgianmonk, so it was nice to hear from him. 
He changed the name of his store, but he's still selling and doing alright. John has some other interesting items for sale, such as parts for a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, and a true antique Grant Brothers sewing machine from 1869-1875. He most certainly has an eclectic grouping of items, but mostly toys currently.

I've only ever written about the Liberty Playthings toy company once before, and if you do a search on my blog you'll find it. I wrote that post on November 24, 2012. The Liberty Playthings company was in business from the late 1920's to the early 1930's, and was located in Niagara Falls (USA). For those who don't know, Canada also has part of the Niagara Falls. They made beautiful toys all fromwood, and many different kinds of toys as well.

For the belgianmonk's post,  I decided to select a: 

1920's Liberty Playthings mechanical windup wood & metal tugboat.
It's made from mahogany wood and metal with a windup "motor" that
still works. The length is  12" or   30.5 cm

It's amazing how somethings last so long over time.  
Aside from being a "collectible", people just like to keep mementoes from 
the past to remind them of the good times they had with their close relatives.

Thanks for dropping by, and as always, have a great part of the day or night
wherever you may be.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman, and I an always be reached at



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