Sunday, December 1, 2024

A Beautiful Ironman Toys Reproduction Arcade Bus Comes up For Auction

Sunday, December 1, 2024
31° F / -1° C
loud with some sun

A Beautiful Ironman Toys Reproduction
Arcade Bus Comes up for Auction
at Marz Auctions

    Lately, my next blog is decided by looking at whom I haven't written about
recently. When I find someone, I then go to their website and select the latest auction, or future auction. From there, I then select a group of toys to write about,
or  select one toy, and that's how today's blog post evolved.

I selected a nice bus from Marz Auctions, an auctioneers company. They are
 affiliated with Antique Toys Inc., another toy auctioneer. Both are very good companies who have established themselves in the old toy business.

I selected a toy, which I thought was an old Arcade cast iron toy from
a long-ago company by the name of Arcade*

However, as it turned out, this toy was a reproduction. 
Description and history of this nice toy from Antique Toys Inc.

"Ironman Toys is a business created by Arnie Prince in California to help
with cast iron toy restoration. His company spun off to make extremely limited 
and custom toys in the 80's,90's, and 2000's. He created his own Chevy Roadster, cast iron  motorcycles, and reimagined Ford roadsters (among many others). Arnie is considered one of the best restoration artists, and a premier toymaker.
His toys have been rising in price as collectors enjoy the metal art."

Length:  12.5 inches / 31.75 cm

    The Northland Greyhound bus company
was bought by someone, and became Greyhound Lines.
(Courtesy of Marz Auctions*).

So that's my blog post for today.

Have a look at both Marz Auctions and 
Both companies sell old toys, with well-written
descriptions, and excellent photography, and
is also a great website to learn about toys and the history of the many 
different companies from "times gone by".

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman 
and I can be reached at

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