Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Another Fine Toy from ebay Store stripe4107

Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Intermittent Rain and Sun
3° C / 37° F

Another Fine Toy from ebay
store stripe4107

I recently wrote a post about  stripe4107, a fine store on ebay
While I revisited the store, I saw a nice Kingsbury toy, that I had 
never seen before.

The Kingsbury Manufacturing Company was a toy company located
in Keene, New Hampshire,USA. In stayed in business from the late 19th
century to the mid 20th century.*

 Used from a description on the search engine Google*

The toy below is made of pressed steel, and was an early model from the newly-founded toy company. The model is Model 796, and moves by a wind-up motor 
"little Jim Crawler Tractor" on tracks. When the toy was fully wound-up, 
there was  an Off/On switch that would keep the wound-up spring 
from releasing its' power, until the children were ready to play with the toy.


L x W x H
8" x 4" x 6"
15.25 cm x 9.75 cm x 15.25 cm

So that's it for today.

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the morning, afternoon, or evening
wherever you may be.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman
and I can always be reached at:

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