Thursday, April 4, 2024

A Mother asks for an Identification for her Son's "New" Toy

Friday, April 5, 2024
Overnight Big Snowfall 
(I thought Spring had begun?)
+3° C / 37.4° F

A Mother Asks for the 
Identification of Her Son's "New" Toy

I'm always happy to receive e-mails from readers asking questions that
I can't answer. That gives me  incentive to search on the 'Net and see
if I can find the answer.  

I received a nice letter from Donna Welch, who had purchased 
some nice toys for her son.  Donna asked me if I could identify the toy
 that she purchased. She sent me a nice description, as well as a nice set of photographs. Donna also sent me photos of 2 other toys, but had identified them.

I could not find the brand name of the toy that I'm writing about today,
but I have some "homework" for readers of my blog.

I would like you to research this toy and see if you can identify it.

I did however contact someone that I've written about  in 5-6 posts.
He's an excellent seller of old toys, and he had a well-designed website.
That person found the answer right away, and I'll be writing a post about him
and give you the answer to today's toy identification in a few days,
along with his photos of references to identify the toy. 

Below are the excellent photos that Donna sent to me. 
I Photoshopped them to get better exposure, and colour-balance*, 
and to whiten the base that the toy is resting on.

* I should have looked at all of the photos together.
You'll notice that the colour is not the same in all of the photos.
( I'll work on them when I have time, and  replace those that
are off colour-balance".

So everyone, you're challenge when you read this post
is to search the 'Net, and try and find the company identity
of this nice day, when it was manufactured, and what it was made of.

As always, thanks for visiting my blog.

I think I mentioned that I achieved the 1,000,000th milestone of
page-views, with about 675,000 individual visits by people.
You'll have to read what a page-view is because it's confusing for me
 in terms what is written on the Internet. Visits however is easy to understand, 
but still can be a bit confusing.

So that's it for today.

As always, thank you for dropping by.
Have a great part of the day or night wherever you may be.

And don't forget to find the answer to the company that 
manufactured this toy, what years it was made, and what it
was made of.

My e-mail address is:

and my name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman

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