Wednesday, April 10, 2024

A Fantastic Resource for Slush-Cast and Die-Cast Toys

Wednesday, April 10, 2023
9° C / 48.2° F
Overcast with Rain

A Fantastic Resource for
Slush-Cast and Die-Cast Toys

I have to apologize to Mr. Bill Buttaggi for being 
so late in writing this post for him, Bill had sent me months ago, a 
great group of toy photos, but I forgot. I was so busy and excited about reaching
the 1,000,000 reader milestone, that I completely forgot.   At that time, I added many posts, to keep readership looking at all the new posts. Currently the number is  1,007,168 but that is confusing. Although this number is shown as actual visits by people, a Google site (to ask questions and get people to provide answers, told me that the number was "page views"). 

Go figure......!!!!!!!

So today, I'm adding Bill's post.

On the website, there is one of his excellent books that
is a great resource for researching die-cast toys.

The screen-captures below show you a sample of what the book 
is all about.

But today's blog post is all about one of 
Bill's favourite group of toys - racing toys.

The photos below are just a "sampling"of some of the
racing toy cars that are on Bill's website. When you go there, there 
will be lots of information and photos to read about.

When you visit Bill's website, you will enter an exceptional place.
The photography is excellent, the design and layout of the site is very professional.
I asked Bill if he had used a professional to design his site and he replied no.
He designed it by himself.

So that's it for today,
Thanks for visiting and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman
and I can always be reached at:

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