Friday, April 19, 2024

3 Nice A.C.Williams Cast Iron Racers

Friday, April 19,2024
8° C / 46.4 ° F
Overcast with with later in day

A Beautiful Trio of A.C.Williams 
Cast Iron Racers (circa 1930's)

I like the Emerald City Toys © a lot.
It's excellently designed, great photography, and  has well-written 
descriptions of their toys.

There should be some kind of Internet Group that selects the best 
websites in different categories.

Anyway, I was writing a recent Emerald City Toys Blog, when my eye
caught a series of other toys; beautiful A.C.Williams cast iron racers from the 1930's. 

As soon as I saw those beautiful cars, I know that I'd have to  add another post for Emerald City Toys. They were A.C.Williams race cars.

I knew I had an A.C.Williams catalogue from that time (probably a reproduction) ,
but as luck would have it, I just couldn't find it. I might have sold
it about 10 years ago, when I was cleaning up my office! 


But wait!
I had a plan B!

I knew I wrote about the catalogue and some cars a while back, 
so I decided that I'd search on my Blogger website. I've only written
1576 posts to date, and then I got "cold feet".

Have you ever tried to search 1,576 posts to 
find a screen-capture of a 1930's catalogue? 

Plan B was to think what the name of the post was,
and then do a search and see what comes up.

Fortunately Plan B worked out, and I was fortunate that that post was
written in 2013, and I found it!

P.S. I'm still looking for that 1930's catalogue!
Give a dog a bone, and he'll never let it go! 
(I'm very stubborn when I have to do something or find something!)

3 3/4" / 9.525 cm

5 1/4" / 13.335 cm

8.5" / 21.59 cm

8.5" / 21.59 cm

Version In Red

It's amazing that these toys 90 years old, 
and they are still around and still being collected.

I wonder if collectors ever let their children play with their toys?

Thanks for dropping by,
and as aways,
have a great part of the day or night, wherever you may be.

My name is Stacey Bindman
and I can always be reached at:

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