Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Nelles Studio

Tuesday, March 26, 2024
8° C / 46.4 ° F
Sunny and no wind

Nelles Studio

Lately, I've been on Etsy searching for toys. I'd already written a post about a fine toy seller, when I came across some excellent art. I initially though that these items were old toys, but they're superb art work.  I sometimes write an occasional post about other topics, and I had to write a post about this fine artisan!

His name is Mr. Scott Nelles, and if you click on the line above 
(under the title "Nelles Studio), you will find his store on Etsy.

At the end of my year at teacher's college at McGill University (MacDonald College) a long time ago, I had the opportunity to go work in Norway at an Alcan Aluminum smelter/refinery.  I don't know if Alcan ( A Canadian Company) still owns the company there. Several of us went there, and it was a great experience. The reason for "veering off course", is that I can appreciate the hard work that Scott Nelles has, when working near heat.  In Ardal (Norway),the refinery was huge and produced a lot of heat in order to refine the ore. The site was near a dam, whereby lots of electricity was produced to smelt the aluminum ore, called bauxite. The huge "vats" have a huge amount of electricity in them from long rods.  Other items are added to the bauxite to separate the aluminum from the "soup" The method to  is called "The Bayer Process".

Below are 2 photos of Mr. Scott Nelles


"My newly remodeled "Roadster is reminiscent of an old Packard or
Pierce Arrow car. Years ago, this car was my first car I made but it had lots
of technical problems and I withdrew it from my line. Recently,I worked out all the old problems and here it is again. All sand cast in aluminum and bronze in my studio foundry. It has a full undercarriage, rolls on bronze wheels and includes a hitch in the back so you can haul one of my "Aero" trailers if you choose".

His work is not exclusive to just car models. Scott also creates banks, that are very interesting. I don't want to write about them now. This would spoil your surprise when you visit this section below:

I'll be writing more about Scott in the future, but please visit Etsy and Scott's site there. You'll enjoy looking at his fantastic pieces.

Thanks for dropping by, and as always
have a great part of the day or night, wherever you may be.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman, 
and I can always be reached at:

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