Thursday, March 21, 2024

Can anyone please help me?

Thursday, March 21, 2024
-7° C / 20° F
-16° C / 3.2 ° F. Wind Chill Factor
Clear Skies but Cold and Strong Winds

Can Someone Please Help Me?

Hello everyone,

I have a problem with the writing under the photographs. If you look closely,
the writing is blurred (unclear). I rasterized the writing in Photoshop, yet the writing
is still fuzzy.

I've asked for help before, but nobody answered, so I'm adding this post,
so that  maybe someone has an answer to my problem.

The photo below illustrates the problem. 
If you are reading the post and see the photo,
the copyright © notice and my writing is blurred!

However, if you click on any image, the image will show up 
without any blog writing, and the image is sharp!

Also, you get to view all of the photos without the narrative (writing).

This feature is great if you ever want to look at the all the photos, without the narrative!

Sometimes, the 
copyright © notice and my writing will actually be sharp,
but I do not know why.

So, if someone reads this "SOS", would you please e-mail me with the answer,
so that I can finally resolve this minor problem.

Thanks and have a great day,

(Mr.) Stacey Bindman

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