Friday, January 19, 2024

oldwoodtoys - A Very Interesting Website (Part 1)

Sunday, January 21, 2024
Overcast (clouds) with no wind
-16° Celsius / 3.2° Fahrenheit

All About Old Toys"
(A Very Interesting website)
(Part I)

This post is the first of 2 that will introduce readers to Old Wood Toys
I'll be writing the next post soon.

    A few weeks ago, I came up with an idea. I would contact people and write new blog posts about them. I've been blogging since 2011, and I thought I'd reconnect with people and see how they're doing.

    Old Wood Toys is a very interesting website. The  creator of this website is Mr. Jim Sneed, and he is very directed to learning, selling, and buying toys. Also there is a membership for those who would like to join. This website is an excellent resource for finding information about the Schoenhut toy company. As well, there are other companies that you  have been written about for everyone to leanr and discover te many toy companies that once existed.

The screen-capture below introduces you to the website. 

**If you double-click on any image, you will be able to magnify (enlarge) it**

There is a very informative and interesting part of the website with regard 
to the company Schoenhut. When you visit the Oldworldtoys website, you will immediately notice the high quality of photography.

Below is a screen-capture that shows you some of the sections
of the website. This website is quite a resource for those wanting to learn about toys, and especially about the Schoenhut company.

If you click on any photo, you will be able to enlarge it

Below is a screen-capture introducing the reader to the 
"Schoenhut Collectors' Club"

Below is the Home Page for Club members

Below is the section to view interesting toys, 
as well as purchase toys that you might be interested in.

     Jim Snead and OldWoodToys collect toys

The Chad Valley screen-capture  presents
the viewer with the opportunity to see interesting toys, 
and to buy them as well.

There are "Restoration Services" for those interested 
in having their collectibles cleaned

The screen-capture above shows advertising pages 
in the years that the toys were actually sold

This screen-capture (above) shows the many
toy companies that were around "way back" in those days! 

This screen-capture (above) shows a great reference of
toy catalogues

The screen-capture below is a sample page
of a Gong Bell 1940 catalogue

What a great reference and resource is!

You can contact Mr. Jim Sneed by clicking below:

To be continued.............

Thanks for dropping by,
And as always,
Have a great part of the day or night, 
Wherever you may be.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman
and I can always be reached at:

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