Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Blogger Isn't So Hard To Learn

Wednesday, December 20, 2023
32° F / 0° C

Why Not Create Your Own Blog?

    I thought that I would write a different post today. So, today's post is about Blogger and its' parts. 
It's quite user-friendly, although it will take you some time to eventually use it. I haven't searched out any websites that have learning how to use Blogger, but I'm sure there are.

You'll have to excuse the quality of my screen-captures. I don't know what's happening, but
the quality of the captures is very soft, and you won'y be able to read any writing easily on some screen-captures.

All of the screen-captures are from  the first year (2011) 
August 25, 2011

How the time flies!

The above image is the opening page of a post.

The letters and symbols at the top of the above image
are the components for writing. 
You have choices for letters of:
1. size
2. colour
3. Italic or normal
4. Bold or normal letter
5. Underline

The list to the left of the photos shows you all kinds
of different type that you can use.


Your choice of the size of the type that you'd like

The colour (color) selection that
you have at your disposal for your type (writing)

Places where you can upload photos from.
Of course, I always ask for permission from whomever or wherever
 I'm going to use their photos.


This screen-capture shows you how you might want your writing to be position.
For today, I selected "Center align"

Above: More Options
The globe (world) icon allows you to select
all kinds of languages (see below some of these languages)
to write your blog post.

Some of the many different language options to be used

I Photoshop all of my images, and those of people who allow me to use their photos.
Sometimes however, I need to enlarge a photo. So rather than rezie in Photoshop, 
I can "capture (or highlight in blue) a photo, by  then stretch and enlarge it, 
by placing the arrow or crosshairs anywhere at the pictures sides or 
bottoms and stretching out the image to a new size.

This screen-capture shows you 3 things:
1. Pressing "Preview post" allows you to see how the post will look on the Net
2. Pressing update saves your content at any point in time. It's a good idea to save
your writing several times during any post, in case there's a power failure or any other disruption.

Pressing another button will allow you to save your content


You can upload content from your computer
or from Youtube. Of course, you'd need the permission
of the person's content on YouTube!

Speling words wrong will be pickked up by Blogger

Blogger also has a "spell-checker".
The small red-dotted lines under 2 misspelled words
illustrates that I have made 2 spelling errors.

I'll try and work on another post on Blogger on the weekend.

If you have any suggestions or questions on today's post,
please feel free to write to me.

My e-mail address is

As always, thanks for dropping by,
And have a great part of the day or 
night wherever you may be.

(Mr.) Stacey Bindman


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