Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Great Toy Resource- Antique Toy Collectors of America

 Sunday, November 19, 2023                                                                                                       Cloud                                                                                                                                         3° Celsius / 37.4° Fahrenheit 

Website Address:

I was very fortune this week to be able to get permission from  "The Antique Toy Collectors of America Inc." to begin writing several post about this great resource. This 
club has been since 1965, and is a great resource for anyone that collects toys, especially American-made toys.

Whenever I get e-mails from a reader asking about a toy, I first go to ATCA (The Antique Toy Collectors of America Inc.) to do my preliminary research. If I can't find the information there, then I will use the Internet.

ATCA has a great selection of catalogues from a great amount of toy catalogues. Better still, they have all the pages of the catalogues for the reader to look through.This is one of the best toy resources on the Net.

The  screen-capture below is from ATCa. It's the opening page.
I've been having trouble figuring out how to create an arrow in Photoshop, so please excuse my shoddy red arrows that are pointing to the words "View Toy Catalogues".

For those who do not know, you can click on any image or photo on this post that you are now looking at, and the image will enlarge. When the image is larger, it shows very nicely, and it's easier to see.

I will be writing about many of the toy catalogues in the near future. I'll show readers how to do a search for their toys so that they might find out who made the toy, and when it was made.

So for today, that's it, and I hope you will venture over to this excellent resource, 
and check out their website. You will most-certainly be amazed!

As always,
Thanks for dropping by,
And have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

I can always be reached at:

Stacey Bindman


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