Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Can Anyone Identify These Farm Machines?

 Wednesday, May 31, 2023                 
 Sunny and Warm
 32° C / 89.6° F

Can Anyone Identify These Fine Farm Toys?

    I received an e-mail earlier in the week, asking if I could identify a small group of 3 farm machines. I'm far from an expert, so I wrote back to the reader, Mr. John Murano. I couldn't identify the manufacturer of these nice toys, but what I would do is to write a blog post (this one), if he would send me some photos. 

    I wrote back to John with a few instructions with regard to how to photograph the toys, and then I waited to hear from him. A few days later, I was very surprise to see the photos. I thanked him, and complimented John for the fine set of toy photos that received. I then proceeded to do some Photoshop (a photo-editing software) work, and add John's name, as well as a copyright notice.

The toys appear to be die-cast, and they also look to have been manufactured anywhere from the 1960's-1990's, and in the USA. Of course, being an amateur, I may be far off in that assessment, and I will await an answer from one of my readers who is far more learned in toys.


Tractor:  3 1/2" x 2" / 8.9 cm x 5 cm ( L x H)
Cart: 2 1/4" x 1 1/2" / 5.715 cm x 3.8 cm (L x H)
Enclosed Tractor:  3 1/4" x 2 3/4" / 8.255 cm x 6 .985 cm  ( L x W)

       So that's it for today. If there is someone out there who can help John and myself out, in. order to identify the manufacturer of these toys, as well as approximately when they were made, please feel free to help us out.

As always, that's for dropping by to read my blog, and this post, 
and have a great part of the morning, afternoon, or evening,
wherever you may be.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman
and I can be reached at my e-mail address:

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