Saturday, February 4, 2023

An Unknown Cap Pistol

 Saturday February 4, 2023
 -24° C / -11.2 F
A Rare and Old Unknown  Cap Pistol
  It's -24° C or -11.2° F, on a very cold day. 
When I awoke today, it was -30° C or -22° F.  
What a great day to be indoors and write a few blog posts! 
This week, I received an e-mail  from a reader. 
He sent me a well-photographed photo of what most-likely is an early 20th century American cast iron toy cap pistol.

    I thought it might be easy to find information about this most-interesting toy pistol, but it hasn't been easy. I've spent a long times searching for this toy, and I was certain that I would find information and identification about it. But I haven't!
    Toy cap guns were very popular in the late 19th century and 20th century, and there are hundreds and hundreds. of different cap guns that were made during those times!

The first place on the Internet was ATCA, The Antique Toy Collectors of America.

ATCA is an exceptional website for doing research. Their exceptional collection of old toy catalogues is a great asset when searching out information on toys. I selected several American toy catalogues whom I knew had manufactured toy guns.

I then did a search on Pinterest
 Nothing was to be found!

Finally I chose Google.
However after looking at pages and pages of "antique toy cap guns", "antique cast iron cap guns", antique American cap guns", and so on,
I was out-gunned!

So, my dedicated readers; thanks for visiting me once again.
And if there is anyone out there who can identify this very rare
toy cap gun, would you be so kind as to 
write to me.

From there, I will write to and send him the good news!

As always,
Thanks for dropping by,
And have a great day,
wherever you may be.

 (Mr.) Stacey Bindman

My e-mail address is


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