Thursday, December 8, 2022

A Reader Asks about An Unknown Bluebird Styler Racer

Thursday, December 8, 2022                Overcast                           3 Celsius  37.4 Fahrenheit

I haven't written for a while, so it was great to have several people write to me in the last 2 weeks. One of the readers, Lauren Roszak sent me several nice photos of a 1930's racer and asked for information. 

Lauren wrote:

" I bought this lovely antique slush metal race car and I'd love to be able to correctly identify it. Might you recognize this one? Thanks in advance for taking a look"

I initially did a search on the Net, but couldn't find a similar toy. I then had a "Eureka Moment" and decided to contact Mr. Ed Sanders, a toy expert and the owner of If you type in, you will arrive at Ed Sanders website.

I've written many times about Ed and his excellent website, and when I went to see his website, I was very impressed as to how fine his site had modernized both in terms of view, as well as information on toys. 

The next day, I received an e-mail reply from Ed and this is what he wrote:

"Hi Stacey,

Good to hear from you again.

That is quite an unusual Bluebird style racer (the record holder). I would attribute it to Kansas lead toy makers like Kansas Novelty, but am unsure of the exact maker. These toys were cottage industry items.

Thanks for sharing,


Lauren sent me 5 excellent photos, which I've added below.


If there is anyone who can identify this fine toy, please write to me so that I can inform Lauren about her great find.

Thanks for dropping by,
And as always,
Have a great part of the day or night,
Wherever you may be.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman,
and I can be reached at


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