Friday, October 14, 2022

Brian Cowdery Revisited

Friday October 14, 2022
Overcast and Raining
11 Celsius.   52 Fahrenheit

Brian Cowdery Revisited
    I've been blogging for a while now, and some posts and the people that I write about stand out. Of course, every one of my posts had been most endearing to me, and I thank all of the people who have me with my pastime. 
    Mr. Brian Cowdery is a master "artist". He's worked with metal since his teens, and his journey in life led him to become a fine and renowned "toy-maker", but more so as an artist. His works are often quite endearing, and they create a good feeling when you view them. And so, I decided to once again add another blog post about Brian.
Brian is always searching for new ideas in order to create new masterpieces.
I screen-captured part of a page for one of his very interesting toys. The image below illustrates a short history as to how Brian came to create that bus. 
The images within the screen-capture show part of the process that is involved in constructing one of his toys. There most-certainly is a lot of work and hours that go into the development and construction of each and every "piece of art".
Needless to say, Brian's creations are very collectable. 

If you copy and paste the address in your browser, you
will be redirected to Brian's website. There's is a lot to see, and it's 
very interesting.

So that's it for today.
As always, have a great part of the day or night
wherever you may be.

(Mr.) Stacey Bindman


  1. Wow Brian makes some cool stuff! I checked out your other two posts on him from 2013. Especially nice that everything is limited run and you can go very detailed. Seems like he put as much passion into his home. Brian deserves a follow up petrolicious style video on him and his work, more people need to know about him.

  2. Hello Darius,

    Sorry to get answer you so late.
    Thanks for your comments.

    writer of this blog
