Sunday, March 20, 2022

A Blast From The Past

Sunday, March 20, 2022                                                                                                         Cloudy with rain forecast                                                                                                      6 Celsius  42.8 F

"A Blast from the Past"

    I was checking my mail, when "A Blast from the Past" viewer wrote to me from a December 10, 2014 post. For those who don't know this old expression, it simply means that  someone from a long time ago reconnects with you, or a record that you haven't heard in a long time plays on the radio.

    Mr. Alvin Shier is a magazine writer who recently retired from  writing articles for Old Autos. He's also a collector of toys, and so he reconnected by also attaching 2 nice 1950's toys by the Canadian manufacturer (no longer in business) Lil Beaver.

The Lil Beaver toy company was in Canada and manufactured pressed steel toys in the 1940's-1950's. In was purchased by the Irwin toy company in the late 1950's, and eventually closed down.

That's it for today
Thanks for visiting,
And have a great day.

Stacey Bindman




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