Friday, October 22, 2021

 Friday, October 22, 2021                                                                                                                             Sunny with Clouds                                                                                                                                         9 C  48F

A Reader Helps Me Out with Regard to a 

Post on the Chicago World's Fair


I received a letter form Mr. David Holcombe in response to a previous post. That post was written on September 9, 2021, and a Mr. Steve Insler was asking about the authentication of a label on a cast iron Arcade car.

"Dear Stacey Bindman,
     I have been a fairly regular reader (perhaps a contribution or suggestion a time or two?) over the years of your old toys site.  I appreciate your research and good writing.  On Sept. 9 you pictured a cast iron Chrysler and asked for information.  So here's a little:

I have had for several years a slush metal 1934 Studebaker with a connection to that World's Fair.  I am attaching a few pictures of my Studebaker, a 6 inch Land Cruiser Super Sport model, with a period explanatory post card behind it.  The Studebaker at the fair was a giant atop a small auditorium.  Mine is one of the models sold at the fair.  It is lettered on the back as "REPLICA OF WORLD'S FAIR STUDEBAKER."   This is an unrestored toy car, complete with white rubber tires on red wooden wheels.  It has obviously been enjoyed over the years.  It is marked "National Products Chicago" on the underside left.

    It seems likely that car companies offered such model cars to fair customers.  I know that Studebaker did so.   Hope this helps.  And, again, thank you for your fine web site.

               David Holcombe"

Well, David & Irma's letter helped to shed more light on the 1934 Chicago World's Fair. 
Now we still need someone to help with the authentication of the label.

So that's it for today.

Changing topics, I hope that everyone has received their 2 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, and that you are all well. Currently, there's talk  about a booster vaccine to supplement the previous 2 injections. Personally, I've received the first 2, and will get the "booster", when it comes out. There most certainly has been diviciveness (disagreement) on whether or not people believe and want the injections, and I respect their positions. However, for myself, I believe that this medicine will definitively help people to acquire immunity from this most dreadful virus.

As always, take care and keep well,
and have a great time wherever you may be.

Stacey Bindman 

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