Saturday, October 30, 2021

A Fantastic Morphy Auctions Auction of Toys

Friday, October 29, 2021

Sunny with clear skies

12 C  54 F                                                                                                                                  

A Fantastic Morphy Auctions Auction of Toys 

I was pleasantly surprised to find an e-mail in my mailbox this morning. It was from Morphy Auctions, a very successful auctioneers, who several years ago, got into auctioning toys. He purchased a highly-successful toy auctioneer in New England, and as they say, "the rest is history". The company is very-well respected, and one of their highlighted group of articles being auctioned are of arms (guns & rifles). If you have a chance, have a look at both their toy auction, and when an arms auction comes up, have a look at their merchandise. Many of the arms that go to auction are fine old pistols from the American West that date back to the late 1800's to the early 20th century.

I've only "touched the surface" of this unbelievable auction. There are 372 pages  
of toys for this auction, and it's the largest auction that I have ever seen so far for toys.
Please have a look and see what is being offered. If you're not interested in bidding, then the visit is worth it, just to see the value of these toys from the USA and Europe, and  to learn about toys.
The link is below:

As always, thanks for dropping by,
and if you ever want to communicate with me, 
my e-mail address is:
(Mr.) Stacey Bindman

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