Thursday, May 7, 2020

How Gottoyz4u got Started

Thursday, May 6, 2020
Cloud with rain
10 C  50 F

How Gottoyz4u got Started

When I sent a message to  Gottoyz4u to inform them that their post was up, I received a reply. How would I like to see some of the Mattel Hot Wheels  that Tim, the owner of Gottoyz4u had. That most certainly was exciting. I decided of course to say yes, but I asked Tim if he could tell me how he got started on ebay with a store that only sells Mattel Hot Wheels.

Below is what Tim had to say:

"I've been selling toys since 2008. I bought my first case of hot wheels 
redlines at an auction and was hooked. I got to know a lot of the 
collectors from going to events. I am good friends with the 3 guys that originally bought Larry's collection. They only sell at the big conventions
 and only took prototypes. They knew I had a great reputation selling 
on eBay so they asked me if I would be interested in selling some of the collection for them. That was in 2018, I sold for a year and in April of 2019 
I bought the rest of the collection from them. People don't realize how large Larry's collection actually was. After 3 years of selling at conventions 
and a full year selling 5 days a week on ebay. I still purchased at least 2500 prototypes and 8000 production cars that were still left. Its been a fun ride to say the least. 

Here are 5 more prototypes that Tim likes, and has in his personal collection
If you read the previous post about Tim and Gottoyz4u, you will have read that Larry Wood who works for Mattel (Hot Wheels) makes these prototypes.


"A hand-painted grid prototype of a Ramblin wrecker.
They used the grid pattern ot figure out
*tampo placement."

*Tampo printing, pad printing, and tampography are all names for the 
same basic process whereby a silicon pad is used to transfer ink 
from an etched printing plate onto a substrate.

"The third car is a 31 doozie with Cher* on the side. 
This was going to be called the Hollywood series 
but they did not produce them. 
There was 6 cars in the series. 
I only have this one."

*Cher is a Hollywood actress and singer

"The fourth is a resin hand painted jaguar with redlines. 
This car was never produced with redlines, 
they went with blackwalls (all black tires)"

"This car is a green resin, hand-painted 
custom Dodge Charger."

"And the fifth car is my absolute favourite I have.  It is a twin-mill that is hand-painted,
and has the man's face character from Masters of the Universe painted on the front. I'm
not sure why they didn't produce it, because
it is my favourite."

Tim's narrative was certainly very entertaining.
 What I found most interesting is
to realize just how many prototypes of model cars 
Mattel  made that were never produced.

Thanks for visiting, and as always
have a great part of the day or evening.

Up here in Montreal, and the Province of Quebec,
Our government is giving orders or instructions that children 
should go back to school, and that larger stores will be opening soon.
Our province leads (not something to be proud of) the rest of Canada
in terms of the largest number of Corona Virus patients 
and the highest number of deaths.I hope that this decision is safe,
 and that the government will make sure that it is doing 
all it can for the people of our province!

I can always be reached anytime by e-mailing me at

Stacey Bindman

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