Monday, May 4, 2020

A Rare "Private Label" Buddy L Firestone Tow Truck

Monday May 4, 2020
Overcast (Cloud)
11 C  52 F

A Rare"Private Label" Buddy L
Firestone Tow Truck

            Lately, I've been writing  more than my usual number of posts.  I have lots of time on my hands due to this pandemic, as I stopped doing volunteering work at a local food bank, here in Montreal. I'm a "senior" now, and older people are more prone to getting more sick from the Corona Virus.

Anyway, I'd been looking through my old posts, and just by chance I saw a nice wooden toy that was nicely photographed. That toy was made during WWII and it was made from wood, as metal was in  high demand for the war effort and the making of armaments. It turned out to be owned by Mark L. Hartman, a seller on ebayMark, another excellent  seller on ebay was selling it.

The original post about another rare toy was written on  July 31, 2014. If you click on the link below, you will be able to read about that rare wooden toy from WWII (World War II).

Returning to today's other "rare" toy, here is the description that Mark wrote to me:

  "I know it was from 1953 based on an International Harvester Cab design and came with the Jack pictured and I believe tools that I don't have. Tire axles had acorn nuts that screwed off so you could change a flat? Private label Firestone decalling...nothing said Buddy l except script on the wheels...that is all I got...let me know when you post...MARK"

The dimensions of this tow truck are:

Length x Width x Height:
24.5"x  6.5" x 6.5"
622 mm x 165 mm x 165 mm

That's it for today
Have a great day or evening,
wherever you are

You can always reach me at

Stacey Bindman

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