Thursday, April 23, 2020

Hey Ma! Christopher is making more toys!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2020
Sunny with clouds
1 C  34 F

Hey Ma!
Christopher is Making More Toys

A few days ago, I had seen. one of my posts of Christopher Ferrone. The blog post
came up because I was searching for something. I hadn't written Chris in several years, and so this was one of those "eureka moments"! I wrote to Christopher and asked how everything was, including his family. All was well. Wouldn't you know it, that about 20 minutes later, he had sent me photos of one of his latest projects. I resized his photos, added the copyright notice to them, and then created a blog post.

So? What happened today? I get 3 e-mails from Chris for one of his next projects. It's to be a fire engine. This time, he has 2 different toys that he will dismantle and reconstruct for a brand new toy of an old large firetruck with its' long  with its' long  "rear mount". That's what that long part of the firetruck is called directly behind the truck itself. What impressed me most was the large file sizes that I received.The photos were taken with his cell phone.  I dislike telling anyone that I don't have a cellphone. She says I need one, and I think she thinks I'm a dinosaur!

The photo below is of a 1940's-early 1950's truck and rear mount.

A New Fire Engine Under Construction

Part 1

In this stage, Chris is going to use 2 different toys. He's going to dismantle them and then make the newer toy from the parts of the original 2 toys. You can see the progress from the image below. They are positioned (top to bottom) in the  stages of the dismantlement.

Part II

In this stage, Christopher is priming the toys with grey primer. Notice how he carefully places the parts, so that he will be able to assemble them easily. I don't think that Chris draws up plans for his new designs. I'm sure with the experience that Chris has,  he can imagine in his head how the truck will look.

In the picture above, you can see that he's starting to assemble the new truck and 
rear mount from parts of both toys.
Below, the new truck portion of the toy is getting a priming job.

I've stopped here for now because Chris still has
more work to do on this latest toy. I'll wait
until he sends me more photos,
so please stay tuned.

So have a great part of the day or night,
and please watch out, there's a horrific disease out there,
and you want to be healthy.

Stacey Bindman
Contact me anytime at:

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