Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Christopher Ferrone Revisited

Wednesday, April 6, 2020
Sunny with some cloud
7 C   44.6 F

Christopher Ferrone Revisited

       The other day, I was browsing on the internet, when I came across a reference to one of my posts.  This post was from a "friend" I know of in Chicago. I say friend because he has helped me out with my block by providing me with at least enough material for 7 posts. His name is Christopher Ferrone. 

I decided to send him an e-mail, and see how he and his family are doing. These times are most disruptive and dangerous, and I wanted to see how Chris was. He is fine, and his children are all home with him and his wife. 

No sooner had Chris returned my e-mail, when I received another e-mail with one of his fine creations. What Chris does is take old toys that might be in need of repair, and he restores then.  In this case, and a big surprise for me, was the fact that he used 4 different toys by 3 different manufacturers. His final creation was marvellous!

"I will be sending you some recent photos of my recent truck creation.
It is made from 3 different broken toys:

1. Ty Nee Tot Cab
Tonka shovel
3 Nylint chassis (note the outriggers for stability
4.Nylint crane boom

put all together and you get this.
Thanks for checking in.

This post was  a great surprise,  
'and I have to thank Christopher for  another fine contribution.
If anyone out there has something interesting that they would like to share, please send 
me an e-mail. I'm always looking for new sources.

Please take care, and as always
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

Stacey Bindman

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