Sunday, April 19, 2020

Bill Buttaggi's New Book on the Lincoln White Metal Works Company

Monday, April 20, 2020
Sunny but Cold
6 C 41 F

Bill Buttaggi's New Book on the 
Lincoln White Metal Works Company

I received a most-interesting e-mail from Mr. Bill Buttaggi. Bill is an avid collector of  slush toys.
A slush toy is made by pouring molten alloy of lead into a mould. Afterwards, the mould is left to cool, and the toy in then removed. Later, it is painted, and wheels are added to the toy.

Bill had written an excellent book on the slush toys of the 
Lincoln White Metal Works Company.

        A complete history of Clayton E. Stevenson and his slush mold toy company Lincoln White Metal Works. 
                         This 102 page book showcases all the known toys from the company and a few newly 
                     discovered as well. Each toy is beautifully photographed in multiple views so no detail is lost. 
                 Also included are screenshots from a film of the Lincoln White Metal Works factory, interesting 
                  comparisons to real vehicles, information on the slush molding process and an index of LWMW 
                                       wheel and propeller types, sizes and bottom pan variations.

                                                Please click here to see Bill's website and to order the book

Copyright 2020                   Bill Buttaggi
Please do not copy without his written permission

In this modern 21st century, anyone can now create their own books, and this is how Bill  made and published.

For those of you who want to leaf through the book, and even purchase it, please
click on the link below and you will redirect to the publisher, Blurb Books.

So that's it for today. 
Please take care of yourself and have a great part of the day or evening.

As always,

Stacey Bindman

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