Sunday, March 4, 2018

A Blogger Helps Me Out

Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Sunny with some clouds
3 C  37.4 F

A Blogger Helps
Me Out

I had found Edward & Bettina's fine website through their photos. Naturally,
I wrote them to ask for their permission to use their fine photos of this 1950's Hubley helicopter.
I made the request on their website, and forgot all about it. I would have had to return to their website to see their reply.  The photography is excellent, and there are very good descriptions of the toys that they talk about. As well, Edward and Bettina spend lots of time and effort writing their blog posts, that are quite numerous!

Anyway, I'm "surfing the web" using myself for the search, when I come across a photo of this nice Hubley helicopter. They had given me their permission, and so this is today's blog post.
I revisited their website, downloaded the photos and description of the helicopter, and "voila", here is their post.

"In their own words"

Hubley Kiddie Toy No.1484 Mighty Metal Helicopter

Here's an interesting "helo" I picked up. Hubley made this diecast helicopter sometime in the 1950's and it was a nice addition  to their line of diecast airplanes. The only thing is, while the airplanes were definitely based on actual planes, this "helo" appears to be a caricature. I can 
find no photos of any helicopter that matches the outlines of this. The Piasecki YH-16 kinda, sort of matches it, except that the Piasecki is a r-e-a-l long helicopter when compared to this. What differs on the toy vs. the prototypes are two main features: the odd cockpit (there were some really unusual cockpits in earlier helicopters, but the toy doesn't match any of them); and the air intakes at the bottom of the rear fuselage.  THe YH-16 does not have air intake bulges sticking out from its' fuselage but they're higher up the body. 

Anyhow, the toy came in two colors that I'm aware of (yellow and blue) and two sets of markings that I'm aware of (star-&-bar and forest ranger). Often times the star-&-bar insignia is wrongly placed in an upside-down position. The star-&-bar insignia was used by all the services so you can make believe it flew for the Air Force, Coast Guard, Navy, whatever. The fuselage measures 9" (22.86cm) L x 1 5/8" (4.12cm) W x 3 3/4" (9.52cm) H The landing gear spreads out to 5" (12.7cm) wide and the rotors are 8 1/2" (21.59cm) L.  
Enjoy! Opa Fritz and Oma Bettina

            You can see the care and attention that Edward placed into taking this                       excellent photos. So venture forth to Edward and Bettina's website and see  their fine blog for yourselves.

Thank's for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day or night.

Stacey Bindman

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